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Uiser collogue:

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Ye speak È cannae understand. Respect me choices, if there is a collogue aboot an airticle, È am pleasit tae discuss it wi real members like Scroggie an aloot o ithers. È am nae perfect: È hae nae understood what ye were sayin in yer first sentence. (Remember È jast speak Scots as seicont level, an Inglis is nae ma mither leid, neither) sae, ye cannae say white'er ye want, ye maun ken that È wrote som airticles for Wiki in Scots (the list is in my personal peige) an that È'm nae sombody ye can bore tae daith like ye dae. È'm nae relly ready tae speak wi an I.P., furthermair. Sae, hae a guid day, --Rabbie Barns 13:29, 30 Mey 2010 (UTC)[Replie]

Walcome[eedit soorce]

Hello,, an Walcome til the Wikipedie!
Guid tae see ye. Some gibbles ye'll find uissfu:

  • Gin ye are interestit in writin airticles we bid ye hae a read o wir page anent writin Scots. Ye micht aiblins find thir dictionars helpfu.
  • For tae caw the crack anent the technical wirkins o the Wikipedie, gang til the Mercat Cross.
  • Bi gaun throu the Commontie Yett ye'll can find aw kynd o wittins adae wi uisin an eikin til the Wikipedie.
  • For tae hae a sey shottie, veesit oor Saundpit.

Dinna haud yer wheesht, haud yer ain!

Scroggie 20:19, 30 Mey 2010 (UTC)[Replie]